The Funeral

The Funeral

4 performances between Sept. 21, 2017 and Sept. 24, 2017
Written and Performed by Mpapa Simo Majola • Choreographer: Billy Langa • Director: Phala O. Phala

In physical and lyrical vignettes and disconnected monologues, The Funeral is a meditation on our own fraught connection with life and death. Scotch finds his spirit caught up in the space of limbo, where he is yet to find the presence of God or the burning of the eternal flames of Hell. Maybe the injustice that keeps him from crossing over is that he was not buried in his favorite jacket, or is it the notion that has always stayed in his mind: that all the existing dogmas and religions were just attempts to find a way to carry on.

Media & Reviews

Review of The Funeral by Peter Tromp